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appliesToClassName(String) - Method in class com.qulice.pmd.rules.UseStringIsEmptyRule


com.qulice.pmd - package com.qulice.pmd
PMD validator.
com.qulice.pmd.rules - package com.qulice.pmd.rules
PMD custom rules.


description() - Method in interface com.qulice.pmd.PmdError
Returns error description.
description() - Method in class com.qulice.pmd.PmdError.OfConfigError
description() - Method in class com.qulice.pmd.PmdError.OfProcessingError
description() - Method in class com.qulice.pmd.PmdError.OfRuleViolation


fileName() - Method in interface com.qulice.pmd.PmdError
Returns file name which caused this error.
fileName() - Method in class com.qulice.pmd.PmdError.OfConfigError
fileName() - Method in class com.qulice.pmd.PmdError.OfProcessingError
fileName() - Method in class com.qulice.pmd.PmdError.OfRuleViolation


getComparisonTargets() - Method in class com.qulice.pmd.rules.UseStringIsEmptyRule
getNonExcludedFiles(Collection<File>) - Method in class com.qulice.pmd.PmdValidator
Filters out excluded files from further validation.


isTargetMethod(JavaNameOccurrence) - Method in class com.qulice.pmd.rules.UseStringIsEmptyRule


lines() - Method in interface com.qulice.pmd.PmdError
Returns formatted line range which cause this error.
lines() - Method in class com.qulice.pmd.PmdError.OfConfigError
lines() - Method in class com.qulice.pmd.PmdError.OfProcessingError
lines() - Method in class com.qulice.pmd.PmdError.OfRuleViolation


name() - Method in interface com.qulice.pmd.PmdError
Returns error name which is short, fixed, human-readable category of the error.
name() - Method in class com.qulice.pmd.PmdError.OfConfigError
name() - Method in class com.qulice.pmd.PmdError.OfProcessingError
name() - Method in class com.qulice.pmd.PmdError.OfRuleViolation
name() - Method in class com.qulice.pmd.PmdValidator


OfConfigError(Report.ConfigurationError) - Constructor for class com.qulice.pmd.PmdError.OfConfigError
Creates a new PmdError, representing given ProcessingError.
OfProcessingError(Report.ProcessingError) - Constructor for class com.qulice.pmd.PmdError.OfProcessingError
Creates a new PmdError, representing given ProcessingError.
OfRuleViolation(RuleViolation) - Constructor for class com.qulice.pmd.PmdError.OfRuleViolation
Creates a new PmdError, representing given RuleViolation.


PmdError - Interface in com.qulice.pmd
Represents one PMD error (usually it will be violation).
PmdError.OfConfigError - Class in com.qulice.pmd
PmdError backed by a ConfigError.
PmdError.OfProcessingError - Class in com.qulice.pmd
PmdError backed by a ProcessingError.
PmdError.OfRuleViolation - Class in com.qulice.pmd
PmdError backed by a RuleViolation.
PmdValidator - Class in com.qulice.pmd
Validates source code with PMD.
PmdValidator(Environment) - Constructor for class com.qulice.pmd.PmdValidator
ProhibitPlainJunitAssertionsRule - Class in com.qulice.pmd.rules
Rule to check plain assertions in JUnit tests.
ProhibitPlainJunitAssertionsRule() - Constructor for class com.qulice.pmd.rules.ProhibitPlainJunitAssertionsRule


UnnecessaryLocalRule - Class in com.qulice.pmd.rules
Rule to check unnecessary local variables.
UnnecessaryLocalRule() - Constructor for class com.qulice.pmd.rules.UnnecessaryLocalRule
UseStringIsEmptyRule - Class in com.qulice.pmd.rules
Rule to prohibit use of String.length() when checking for empty string.
UseStringIsEmptyRule() - Constructor for class com.qulice.pmd.rules.UseStringIsEmptyRule


validate(Collection<File>) - Method in class com.qulice.pmd.PmdValidator
visit(ASTArgumentList, Object) - Method in class com.qulice.pmd.rules.UnnecessaryLocalRule
visit(ASTImportDeclaration, Object) - Method in class com.qulice.pmd.rules.ProhibitPlainJunitAssertionsRule
visit(ASTMethodDeclaration, Object) - Method in class com.qulice.pmd.rules.ProhibitPlainJunitAssertionsRule
visit(ASTMethodDeclaration, Object) - Method in class com.qulice.pmd.rules.UnnecessaryLocalRule
visit(ASTMethodDeclaration, Object) - Method in class com.qulice.pmd.rules.UseStringIsEmptyRule
visit(ASTReturnStatement, Object) - Method in class com.qulice.pmd.rules.UnnecessaryLocalRule
visit(ASTVariableDeclaratorId, Object) - Method in class com.qulice.pmd.rules.UseStringIsEmptyRule
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