Package com.qulice.checkstyle
Checkstyle checks.
- Since:
- 0.3
Class Summary Class Description BracketsStructureCheck Checks node/closing brackets to be the last symbols on the line.CascadeIndentationCheck Make sure each line indentation is either: the same as previous one or less bigger than previous by exactly 4 All other cases must cause a failure.CheckstyleValidator Validator with Checkstyle.ConditionalRegexpMultilineCheck Performs multiline regexp match only if a regexp condition passes.ConstantUsageCheck Checks that constant, declared as private field of class is used more than once.CurlyBracketsStructureCheck Checks node/closing curly brackets to be the last symbols on the line.DiamondOperatorCheck Checks if possible to use Diamond operator in generic instances creation.EmptyLinesCheck Check for empty lines inside methods and constructors.FinalSemicolonInTryWithResourcesCheck Checks that try-with-resources does not end with a semicolon.ImportCohesionCheck Check if import lines are all together without any empty lines or comments.JavadocEmptyLineCheck Check for empty line at the beginning and at the end of Javadoc.JavadocLocationCheck Checks that there is no empty line between a javadoc and it's subject.JavadocParameterOrderCheck Checks method parameters order to comply with what is defined in method javadoc.JavadocTagsCheck Check if the class/interface javadoc contains properly formatted author and version tags.LineRange Represent a line range.LineRanges Represents a set of LineRange objects.MethodBodyCommentsCheck Checks method bodies for comments.MethodsOrderCheck Checks the order of methods declaration.MultiLineCommentCheck Multi line comment checker.MultilineJavadocTagsCheck Check indents in multi line JavaDoc tags.NoJavadocForOverriddenMethodsCheck Checks that there is no Javadoc for inherited methods.NonStaticMethodCheck Checks that non static method must contain at least one reference tothis
.ProhibitNonFinalClassesCheck Checks that classes are declared as final.ProhibitUnusedPrivateConstructorCheck Checks that constructor, declared as private class is used more than once.ProtectedMethodInFinalClassCheck Checks that final class doesn't contain protected methods unless they are overriding protected methods from superclass.QualifyInnerClassCheck Checks if inner classes are properly accessed using their qualified name with the outer class.SingleLineCommentCheck C++ style inline comment is not allowed.StringLiteralsConcatenationCheck Checks for not using concatenation of string literals in any form.